Nile crockodile

Sekakoh was created on April 23, 2015 in Bamenda (North-West region of Cameroon) as an association recognized by the government of Cameroon under the Law N°90/053 of 19th December 1990. It follows the work of the Ellioti Project led by Osiris Doumbé in the North-West region of Cameroon (2014-2015).
This project was the first regional survey examining the distribution of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes ellioti) and the diversity of monkeys in this part of Cameroon, which has long been neglected. It was financed by Primate Conservation Inc., the Rufford Foundation, and National Geographic/Waitt Foundation. The discovery of such wildlife led to the creation of Sekakoh.
The Ellioti Project provided evidence of at least seven species of monkeys distributed unevenly throughout the region, and the presence of chimpanzees in some of the last remaining lowland and montane forests. In the little known forest of Kom, we discovered a large number of chimpanzee nests and six species of monkeys, including the rare and endemic Preuss’s monkey (Cercopithecus preussi).
Here in Sekakoh, we believe that wildlife is a part of our heritage. Therefore, it is our duty to preserve it in order to hand it over to future generations. Unfortunately, mounting human pressure continues to degrade wildlife.
Consequently, Cameroon has lost one of its most charismatic animals: the black rhinoceros. The official extinction of this massive animal in 2008 was a tragedy. The rhinoss inhabiting the northern savannahs of Cameroon were the only remaining individuals of the West African black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis longipes), and in exterminating this animal, we wiped out a whole subspecies. Lost forever, our children will never get the chance to see the magnificence of this large mammal.
At Sekakoh, we keep this story in the front of our minds so that ecological disasters like these will never happen again. That is why the rhinoceros is our symbol, with its white colour illustrating our grief.
The vision of Sekakoh is therefore to live in harmony with Nature. Hence, we focus our work on the preservation of the natural habitat and on the resolution of Human-wildlife conflicts. Our tools are Education, Research and Community-based conservation. The education of populations living at the door step of wildlife is crucial as they are the first ones affecting the animals but also the first ones being affected by the loss of natural resources.
Scientific research is essential to understand better both the animals and their natural habitat, in order to protect them more efficiently. Finally, through conservation, we aspire to provide local populations with new alternatives to lower the pressure upon the environment.


Terence FUH


Secretary General