We keep this story in the front of our minds so that ecological disasters like these will never happen again. That is why the rhinoceros is our symbol, with its white colour illustrating our grief.
We are a Cameroonian NGO founded in Bamenda, Cameroon (North-West Region). Our motto is Living in Harmony with Nature, and we intend to live by it! Sekakoh was created on April 23, 2015, in Bamenda (North-West region of Cameroon) under Law N°90/053 of December 19, 1990.
It follows the work of the Ellioti Project led by Osiris Doumbé in the NW region of Cameroon (2014-2015). The Project provides evidence of at least seven species of monkeys distributed unevenly in the region, and the presence of chimpanzees in some lowland & montane forests.


Wild NW Projects
Emblematic animals: chimpanzee, Preuss monkey, putty-nosed monkey, Milne-Edwards's potto, red river hog, great blue turaco

Benoue Mission
Located in the North Region of Cameroon and home to the giant eland, Kordofan giraffe, lion, savannah elephant, common hippos & Nile crocodile

The Kom forest
Sekakoh’s main site of interest in the NW Region of Cameroon. It is home to the elusive Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee

The Mpem & Djim National Park
We plan to train 02 Common initiative groups (CIGS) in alternative income-generating activities that best suit them.